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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

vSpring Names Top 100 Entrepreneurs with Utah Ties

This article was about being names to vSpring's Top 100 Utah Entrepreneur's list

Deseret Morning News
March 3, 2005

vSpring Names Top 100 Entrepreneurs with Utah Ties
Early-stage venture capital fund vSpring Capital on Wednesday announced the 2005 class of the vSpring Capital Top 100 Venture Entrepreneurs.
The list, also known as the v100, is composed of people with ties to Utah who are most likely to lead a successful startup venture in the next five to seven years in the information technology or biotechnology industries as a chief executive or chief technical officer.
Nominations are made by members of the Utah business community. The nominees are then invited to participate in a confidential online survey to vote for the top 10 individuals they feel would most likely meet the selection criteria. Nominees garnering the most votes from their peers in this annual process are then elected into the v100.
Those making the v100 list are encouraged to participate in activities throughout the year that are designed to increase exposure, resources and collaboration among group members.
The new class includes 42 new members. In total, members of the class have raised more than $4 billion in capital assets and created more than 15,000 new jobs during their careers.
The class includes:
Curt Allen, Agilix Labs president and chief executive officer; Paul Allen, Infobase Ventures managing partner; Dallin M. Anderson, Montigen Pharmaceuticals CEO; Matt Asay, Novell's director of the Linux business office; David Bateman, Property Solutions founder; David Bean, Attensity Corp. chief technology officer and co-founder; David J. Bearss, Montigen Pharmaceuticals chief scientific officer; Ragula Bhaskar, FatPipe Networks CEO; Patrick Burke, Myriad Genetics business development manager; Greg Butterfield, Altiris president and CEO; Patrick M. Byrne, president and chairman;
Mark Calkins, Agilix Labs, vice president of platform marketing; Don Cash, Omniture vice president of sales; Brad Christensen, Novell's director of product management; Craig Christensen, Altiris vice president and general counsel; James Clarke, Clear Link CEO; Josh Coates, Berkeley Data Systems president and CTO; Tom Creighton, Epixtech chief architect; Gregory Critchfield, Myriad Genetics Labs president; Gary L. Crocker, AnzenBio and Crocker Ventures president and managing director; Nicole Toomey Davis, Enclavix president and CEO; Terry Dickson, Avinti CEO;
John Dunn, Banyan Ventures director; Mike Dutton, Dolphin II partner; Adam Edmunds, Silent Whistle president and CEO; Bjorn Espenes, Infopia CEO; J.D. Gardner, vSpring Capital venture partner; Lee Gibbons, LDS Audio CTO; Stephen W. Gibson, The Academy for Creating Enterprise founder and social entrepreneur; Darin D. Gilson, Banyan Ventures managing director; Brett Graham, Ingenix vice president of strategic planning; Michael Hall, Senforce president and CEO; Richard D. Hanks, Mindshare Technologies chairman and president; Jon Hansen, MSTAR.NET and Chicago Venture Partners CEO;
Nathan S. Hatch, Helius senior vice president of marketing and corporate development; Ron Heinz, Helius CEO; Sheryl G. Hohle, BioCatalogia president and CEO; Spence Hoole, Diversified Insurance Brokers partner; Eliot Jacobsen, 0 to 60 Ventures president; Eric Jacobsen, Dolphin II managing director; Josh James, Omniture CEO and co-founder; Rob Jeppsen, Primary Intelligence chief strategy officer; Seth B. Johnson, Redi2 Technologies CEO; Greg Jones, Visual Influence president; Kimberly Jones, Verite CEO; Jeff Kearl, LogoWorks chief marketing officer; Gary Kennedy, Double Eagle Ventures owner;
Dwain Kinghorn, Altiris chief technology officer; Rebecca Olpin Krull, Star Bridge Systems director of sales; Fred Lampropoulos, Merit Medical Systems CEO; Bruce Law, Sprout Marketing president and founder; Carl Ledbetter, UV Partners partner; Scott C. Lemon, Agilix Labs president; Amy Lewis, CEO; Ron Lindorf, Humanvoice chairman; Drew Major, Move Networks founder; William Marble, Calixus board member; Ty D. Mattingly, Raser Technologies consultant; David McGinn, Agilix Labs chief financial officer and chief operations officer; Peter D. Meldrum, Myriad Genetics managing partner;
Glen Mella, Control4 chief marketing officer; Craig Miller, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints director of member needs; W. Tim Miller, Echelon Biosciences president; Blake Moderzitski, UV Partners general partner; Matt Mosman, Levanta CEO; Jan Newman, Altiris vice president of business development; Thomas Ngo, NextPage CTO; Amy Paul, Bard Access Systems president; Brad Pelo, NextPage chairman of the board; Jim Perry, Perrypoint Ventures CTO; Ben Peterson, MingleMatch president; Greg Peterson, GH Peterson Holdings managing partner; Glenn D. Prestwich, University of Utah and Sentrx Surgical presidential professor and chief science officer;
Michael Proper, DirectPointe president and CEO; John E. Richards, BYU Center for Entrepreneurship associate teaching professor; Larry Rigby, Zars president and CEO; David Rowe, Trend Micro executive vice president of global marketing; Todd Shepherd, Studeo co-founder and partner; Eric Smith, Control4 CTO; James Sorenson Jr., Sorenson Media CEO; Bryan Sparks, Solera Networks managing partner; Tim Stay, Marketing Ally founder; Joshua J. Steimle, MWI CEO; Ian Stiles, Agilix Labs software architect; Tom Stockham, president and CEO; Weston Swenson, Forum Systems CEO;
Cydni R. Tetro, NextPage vice president of product and corporate marketing; Daren Thayne, CTO; Kent L. Thomas, CFO Solutions founder and managing member; Rodney Tiede, Broadcast International president and CEO; Mike Tippets, Helius senior vice president of engineering and strategy; Jay Verkler, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints director of the FCH Group; Brett Walker, VitalSmarts chief marketing officer;
Brad Walters, MaxStream chairman, president and CEO; Will West, Control4 CEO; Greg Whisenant, Wasatch Solutions president; Weston Whitman, Harvard Business School MBA candidate 2005; Gary Williams, Brigham Young University associate director of the Center for Entrepreneurship; Phillip J. Windley, The Windley Group associate professor; Ralph Yarro, Canopy Group president and CEO.


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